Himachal Pradesh

The name Himachal literally means a shawl of snow which is a perfectly apt description of this incredible state. The Himalayas pass through this northern state giving it a number of excellent peaks and exquisite valleys. A trip to Himachal Pradesh is going to reward you with some of the most incredible natural views that you have ever seen.

Himachal Pradesh is the playground for adventure lovers with its awesome landscape. Trekking, climbing, paragliding, rafting and skiing are just some of the exciting activities offered by the state. Yet, an adrenaline rush is not the only thing Himachal Pradesh is capable of. The culture of the state is just as fascinating as the landscape. The traditional culture of Himachal still flourishes amidst picturesque mountains. Villages perched on precariously on steep slopes enthrall you with the intricate architectures made from wood and stones.

Himachal Pradesh is the land of the hills stations with Shimla, Kullu and Manali vying for your attention. These amazing places charm you with their allure of the British era. Beautiful trails dot the landscape encouraging backpackers to get lost and find themselves in the magnificence of the Himalayan Mountains. The Tibetan influence is so strong that you may feel sometimes, you are in Tibet instead of India. Rich in Buddhist arts, many cities bear a remarkable similarity to Tibetan towns.

These varied aspects are the charm of the amazing state that is Himachal Pradesh. Stray away from the common path and you will discover something new at every corner.