Almora: Meditative Beauty

  • How to Get There
  • Bright End Corner
  • Katarmal Sun Temple
  • Gobind Vallabh Pant Museum
  • Kumaon Regimental Centre Museum
  • Martola
  • Simtola


Almora: Meditative Beauty

Almora is adorned with a charming beauty that is hard to replicate. Often compared to Switzerland, Almora is a rare sight indeed. The tranquil cool air of the area is as refreshing as it washes over while you lie entranced in the scenic vista that spreads before you. The high mountains of the region are richly decorated with a verdant forest. It is simply luxurious. However, the spell of Almora lies in its quiet atmosphere. Meditation comes naturally here. In the serene silence that embraces you, you will find yourself drawn naturally into a contemplative mood. It is no wonder that Almora has been a center of cultural achievements and possesses a rich heritage. The great Swami Satyananda Saraswati was born here. Even the incomparable Swami Vivekananda stopped here during his Himalayan sojourn. The pristine surroundings provide the perfect backdrop to assimilate knowledge.

How to Get There

By Air :

The nearest airport to Almora is at Pantnagar about 125 km from Almora town.

By Rail :

The nearest railway station to Almora is at Kathgodam situated around 82 Km away from Almora. It is well connected to many other cities such as Dehradun, Delhi, Lucknow and Haridwar etc.

By Road :

Almora is well connected to other destinations through roadways. Distance from other places;Delhi:385 km,Nainital:68 km,Kausani:48 km,Ranikhet:48 km,Binsar:32 km,
Munsiyari:198 km,Corbett National park:230 km,Mukteswar:78 km

Bright End Corner

The curiously named Bright End Corner is a quaint place during normal circumstances. Come and visit during sunrise or sunset and the place reveals its true personality. Here, you can command one of the greatest views of a sunrise and a sunset. As the sun sinks,it sets the sky on fire with orange and red colors. Out of this fiery sky, the moon rises like a cool sphere seemingly out of nowhere. Suddenly, the name, Bright End Corner, makes complete sense.Swami Vivekananda spent some time here whilst travelling the Himalayas and it is easy to see why. The spectacular beauty somehow enhances the tranquility of the area creating an entrancingly contemplative atmosphere

Katarmal Sun Temple

The beauty of the Katarmal Sun Temple is only second to that of the Konark Sun Temple. It is also the second most important. This just goes on to show that the temple is certainly going to make a strong impression on you. Looking at the detailed sculptures on the temple, you will find it difficult to believe they were made around 800 years ago. The architecture of the temple is fascinating and is of importance in archeology as well.

Gobind Vallabh Pant Museum

A visit to the Gobind Vallabh Pant Museum is going to be necessary if you wish to gain a deeper understanding of fascination of the region. The small museum showcases quite interestingly the development of the region through its art and culture. You will come to know about the lifestyle of the region as well. However, the star attraction of the Gobind Vallabh Pant Museum is the gallery of Aipan. Aipan is a folk style of painting that is native to the region. This style is quite bewitching in its simplicity.

Kumaon Regimental Centre Museum

One lesser known fact about the Kumaon Regiment is that it is the most decorated of all regiments of the Indian Army. It has also played a decisive part in nearly every important war right from its formation under the British rule including the two world wars. So, it is rather fitting that a museum should be built to honor these valiant warriors. You will watch history unfold before you as you take a walk through the hallowed halls filled to the brim with photographs and war memorabilia. The museum displays the various weapons that the regiment captured from its opponents in the different battles. The coffin of the great general T.N. Raina has also been placed here.


Huge mountains wrapped in a verdant blanket surround Martola creating incredible sceneries all around. The cool shade of the forests creates the perfect haven to have a nice relaxing picnic. You can also choose to simply stay and let yourself become immersed in the natural splendor of the place.


Deodar and pine trees surround Simtola creating a charming forest. Take a walk through the verdant shade of the forests and you can glimpse the beautiful mountains in the distance. Simtola offers the perfect place for you to enjoy a picnic.